Stork Supplies provides foster kids and families with everything they need for their baby. We stock a variety of items, such as diapers, wipes, pull-ups, cribs, pack & play, bottles, sheets, blankets, burp rags, and more.
Are you interested in donating to Stork Supplies? 🙏
If so, you have two ways to do so: you can either donate money online here or shop our Wish List here. Another way to support us is by donating baby items, such as diapers, wipes, pull-ups, cribs, pack & play, bottles, sheets, blankets, burp rags, and more. Click here for more information on where to donate items.
You can also host a drive in your community or workplace to collect items for us. Click here for more information. We appreciate your generosity and support for our mission. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of foster children. 💕